Army Retired Disabled Veteran, Bernard A. Smith

AFTER THE HOORAH is the brain child of Bernard A. Smith, Chief Executive Officer, (CEO), based on his experiences and frustrations while trying to seek assistance with Federal benefits and filing claims from the VA. The company mission statement is to help Veterans get the full understanding and support in seeking Federal benefits for Veterans, dependents, and survivors.
Mr. Smith has extensive knowledge and experience in the development of Service-Disabled-Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), disability compensation and Veterans’ Preference for Federal jobs, particulate in management, and procurement. He previous held the following Federal positions: Contracts and Acquisitions for the Office of Personnel Management, Information Technology Specialist for the Department of Homeland Security; Homeless Veterans’ Support Employment for the Department of Veterans Affairs and Personnel Information Specialty Specialist, with the U.S. Army. His educational background includes: a Master of Business Administration/Health Services Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Arts in Acquisition and Contract Management, CUM LAUDE; and is a (FAC-C) Federal Acquisition Contracting - Certification (COR) Contracting Officer’s Representative and GSA Charge Card Manager Certification. Mr. Smith military honors include The Army Commendation Medal (5TH AWARD). Army Achievement Medal (7TH AWARD). Army Good Conduct medal (6TH AWARD). National Defense Ribbon. Global War on Terrorism Service Military Ribbon. Korean Defense Service. Armed Forces Service Military Ribbon.
The CEO has extensive knowledge and experience in the development of Veteran - Owned Small Business (VOSB) and Service-Disabled-Veteran-Owned-Small Business (SDVOSB), disability compensation and Veterans’ Preference for Federal jobs, particulate in management, and procurement. He previously held the following Federal positions: Contracts and Acquisitions for the Office of Personnel Management , Information Technology Specialist for the Department of Homeland Security; Homeless Veterans’ Support Employment for the Department of Veterans Affairs and Personnel Information Specialty Specialist, with the U.S. Army. His educational background includes: a Master of Business Administration/Health Services Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Arts in Acquisition and Contract Management, CUM LAUDE; and is a Federal Acquisition Certification-Contracting (FAC-C) certified for Contracting and Contracting Officer’s Representative.
As a company that is established by a retired/serviced-disabled Veteran, the CEO believes that the best thing that can be done to ensure the Veteran’s overall growth and development is to give back to the community, by sharing the gift of knowledge. The CEO’s slogan is, “To inform, is to know, to know is to act upon, to act upon is to achieve success and pass it on so that others can truly understand the meaning in; there’s a future in tomorrow.”

Army Retired Disabled Veteran, Bernard A. Smith

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Veteran Jobs and Disability Information.